Giving Back is Part of Being Human.

Morgi is here to show you how a little help from a Leader like yourself can make a big difference to someone’s life.

A Small Gift Can Go a Long Way.

Why do we even give back? According to science, it makes us happier and contributes to our physical and mental well-being.

It’s a win-win situation.

*Cards shown are for reference only.

Find a Cause You Care About.

Thousands of Rookies in dozens of different life paths could benefit from your help. Choose the life you can inspire and change for the better.

How Does it Work

Gift a Rookie with a modest amount of your choice and open a chat channel between you both

Grow together inside the connection, you as a Leader, the other side as the Rookie

Grow together inside the connection, you as a Leader, the other side as the Rookie

Enlightes someone else's path to greatness.
It will bring you happiness.

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